Bijna meeste boetes van EU


Bij een internationale klopjacht op te hard rijdende automobilisten heeft de politie alleen al in Nederland 120.000 hardrijders betrapt.

Alle 28 landen aangesloten bij de EU deden mee aan de operatie, eind augustus. Nederland bekeurde in een week 117.516 automobilisten, iets minder dan de politie in Duitsland (132.289).

Dat blijkt uit cijfers van Tispol, het samenwerkingsverband tussen de verkeerspolitie uit de verschillende EU-landen.
In totaal zijn 720.000 hardrijders bekeurd. Ons land staat op een tweede plek in de 'toplijst' achter Duitsland, maar ruimschoots voor Roemenië (35.000), Frankrijk (14.000), Polen (13.000) en Engeland (11.000).

TISPOL.ORG schreef:

More than 720,000 drivers detected in European police speed operation

Results from a recent pan-European speed control operation in August show that more than 720,000 drivers were detected for breaking speed limits. A total of 28 countries took part in the operation, which was co-ordinated by the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL).

Of the final total of 728,268 detections, 274,355 were made directly by police officers and 453,913 came from automatic technical means.

Commenting on the results, TISPOL President Koen Ricour reminded drivers that speed was one of the ‘big three killers’ in the road environment. “Speeding puts the lives of other road users and pedestrians at risk, and is believed to be the cause of around one third of all fatal crashes on Europe’s roads.

“We welcome the fact that fatal crashes have reduced considerably across Europe (from around 54,000 in 2000 to 28,157 in 2012). We know that excessive or inappropriate speed continues to hamper our efforts to reduce fatality and serious injury rates further.

“TISPOL is committed to enforcing speed limits, in particular as part of its support for the European Union’s target of achieving a 50% reduction in the number of people killed on Europe’s roads by 2020. Road policing plays a vital role in saving lives and reducing serious injuries on the road.

“We urge all motorists to demonstrate care and consideration for themselves, their families and others by driving safely at an appropriate speed, and certainly within the speed limit at all times. In this way, drivers will be greatly reducing the risk of killing or seriously injuring themselves or other road users.”

Stopping drivers for speeding offences also provides police officers with the opportunity to make other appropriate safety and security checks. For example, during the week of this speed operation operation, officers also detected and dealt with offences connected with irregular immigration and human trafficking (86), possession of drugs (218), firearms (21), stolen goods (23) and other crimes (2,719).
The operation ran from 19 to 25 August.


Bron: Telegraaf

